Home Wi-Fi Security |
Is your Home Wi-Fi Router Secure? Wireless Broadband Routers for the home are increasing in popularity. Whether connected to a cablemodem, a DSL modem or our own network, people are discovering the freedom of wireless access to their Internet connection within their homes. Popular brand names for Wi-Fi
routers are D-Link, Linksys, Netgear, Cisco and others. With this freedom, however, comes responsibility. If you connect your Wi-Fi Router to your home Internet connection without first taking measures to secure it, then you are leaving your home network wide open to intruders. That can be bad. That can be very, very bad. An unsecured Wi-Fi Wireless home network allows anyone with a laptop and a wireless card access to connect to your home network. Once connected, a person can be 1,000 feet or farther down the street from your house and use your Internet connection, or worse - hack into your home computers and steal your information.
Even if an intruder is just using your Internet connection, it can leave you exposed in ways you might not be aware of. Besides stealing your bandwidth, you would have no idea whether the person was conducting illegal activity through your Internet connection. Examples of illegal activity would be Virus Distribution, Spamming, Child-Pornography, Phishing and Data Theft, among many others. These activities could then be traced back to your home connection, which could potentially create an embarrassing situation with the authorities for you. You can't afford to leave your Wi-Fi Router unsecured!! We would also like you to be secure! Therefore, Borealis Broadband has lowered its pricing for onsite visits to secure your Home Wi-Fi router.
Call 563-3278 to set up your appointment!
The specific steps to change configuration options will vary between the different models of Wi-Fi routers out there, so please refer to the manual for your specific brand. It can usually be found on the CD that came with your unit. You can use your web browser to log into and configure the unit so it's not as hard as you might think. At a minimum, you should accomplish the following steps:
Remember, if you run into trouble doing the configuration, we're only a phone call away.